Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

Interview with Sue Forgue about Perioddramas

1.How did you get to watch Period Dramas?
On Sunday nights there's a show on public television called Masterpiece Theater. It's where I first was acquainted with Austen & a whole lot of other famous authors.

2.What do you like about it?
I suppose the dramas frequently engaged me enough to want to read the actual novel itself.

3.What are your three favourite Period Dramas and why?
Hmm, Gone with the Wind, one of the most perfect movies in casting & art direction.
Then there's a little known b/w British romantic comedy called I Know Where I'm Going again for great casting & one of the scariest storm scenes. I really liked TV serials like I Claudius & of course Downton Abbey for good casting & awesome art direction (sets, costumes etc)

4.Of the three period dramas that you've chosen ... who are your favorite characters and why?
I don't know that I have favorite characters - I'm more interested in what an actor brings to a role - especially well loved roles in the Austen canon.

5.If you look at Period drama ... what you give the most attention? (the time etiquette, clothes, environment ...)
The acting has to be the most important but if it's a historical time period I'm especially familiar with, then of course I will definitely be scrutinizing the clothes & mannerisms. Obvious anachronisms drive me crazy & tend to interrupt the flow of the story for me.

6.Which Period drama would you like to see?
I enjoy visiting all of them since I love history in general.

9.Which Period drama has the best soundtrack?
As someone with a music degree, you'd think that would be something that would especially resonate with me. lol, I think the space films like the Right Stuff & Apollo 13 appeal because of the soaring musical scores.

10.Which Period drama should get a new film version?
I think there should be a decent version of Mansfield Park finally released. I even asked Andrew Davies if he could rescue it at the Fort Worth AGM now that he had done a decent version of Northanger Abbey.

11.What was the longest period drama you've seen?
If you're talking about time in hours & minutes then the tv serials have to take that award. I suppose Upstairs Downstairs has to be the longest with its five year run.
12.What were the last three period dramas you've seen?
Downton Abbey, The Sound of Music (live theater musical) & The Young Victoria

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